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Concelaed Carry?

Any one who meets the minimum requirements of the “shall issue” laws should be allowed to own and carry a handgun as they please. Everyone in the United States should be able to do as they please and if they want to carry a handgun with them for protection they should have the right to. According to the article opponents of concealed carry argue that increased gun ownership could lead to more gun crimes and unintended gun injuries. However, between May 2007 and March 24, 2010only .003% of all murders in that time period were from people who owned and concealed handguns. Those numbers just go to show that  owning and concealing your own handgun does not raise the gun crimes throughout America. In fact in some cities there have been less crimes due to the “shall issue” laws because many are afraid that they may be shot or injured due to the fact that others may be carrying a concealed weapon.

The article also states that the general public is 5 times more likely to be arrested for violent offenses, and 13 times more likely to be arrested for non-violent offenses, than concealed carry weapon permit holders. Those who have the gun permits have passed the criteria such as minimum age, no prior felonies and no recent commitments to a mental hospital. Therefore making all of the men and women who own gun permits responsible, law-abiding citizens of the United States.


Should carrying conceled weapons be allowed?

Carring a conceld weapon is allowed in 49 states since July 30, 2011. According to the article, Illinois and Washington D.C. are the only two that do not allow civilians to carry conceld weapons. I agree with this because having a gun doesn’t ensure your safety or that bad things won’t happen to you.

Opposers of this issue are worried about the increase of people having guns will lead to more uninteined accidents and injures resulting in the use and carrying of guns. I can understand where they are coming from because if I were to get into a fight with a friend or I was messing around with the gun, it could accidently go off or what is going to stop from shooting the person I am having an agruement with? The article points out that the people who are for carring conceled weapons say that criminals are less likely to attack someone who they think is carring. However, this is not the case. Criminals might result to more forceful ways to get the person to do what they want or they just might go ahead and shoot that person.

People who are for carring concealed weapons say carring concealed weapons could aid in ending public shooting. How exactly could it aid in ending it? It would only increase it. If you have someone who acts on impulse and they are mad at the world, they could just pull out a gun and starting shooting up the place.

There are 50 people who are accidently shot each day in America and 15 year olds die from accidental gunfire every other day. That is insane. Not to mention the suicide rates.  The tendancy of suicide are one-third to four-fifths on impulse.  Now I know that anyone can have a gun at the age of 18.   I also know that someone can walk home and pull a gun out a blow thier head off.  Or they can go find a gun and do it. However, at least they have that time it takes to find a gun to shoot themselves for that adrenaline to wear off or have a split second to stop what they are doing or to get caught or something to happen to change thier mind. But out in public with that gun on them, there is no stoping them and they are dead on that spot.  The article states that there are 46 suicides each day and that second-leading cause of death in americans 40 years old and younger.

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Concealed Carry

Gun control is not an uncommon debate. For decades, Americans have contested the boundaries of our “right to bear arms,” and it seems we are never in consensus.  One particularly hot topic nowadays is whether or not citizens should have the right to carry a concealed firearm under a legal permit.

The idea is simple: as a countermeasure for violent crime, allow the part of the population that abides by the law to carry arms, and deny permits to those who would seek to use guns for crime.  Opponents of the right to conceal and carry have the simple mindset that having more guns on the street equates to more crime and more violence.  It must be understood that law abiding citizens (the type of people that would obtain a permit) are not the beneficiaries of armed crime.  The fact is and always has been that criminals will either find black marketed guns or commit the crime without a gun.  By legalizing personal protection, crime can be greatly discouraged, either directly by armed citizens or the simple knowledge that someone else might be armed.

Violent crime is a constant of our society;  if it is necessary that people have the ability to protect themselves, which for many it is, they ought to be able to do so under the law.

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“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well-armed and well-regulated militia being the best security of a free country” -The Constitution of the Untied States of America.  The issue of carrying a firearm is not a topic of debate, but an unalienable right clearly granted to United States citizens by our constitution.  

 I would like to examine this article from the same point of view as the prohibition of alcohol.  First and foremost, while alcohol was illegal, its use proliferated across the nation faster than it ever previously had and created a very large, demanding, dangerous black market.  After re-legalization, consumption and dangerous side effects of its use returned to previously lower levels.  I feel the legality of concealed carry can and should be viewed with the same mindset; dangerous use of firearms will increase during illegalization, but if made legal, the black market demand will disappear and firearm related crimes will decrease as a result of the knowledge that other people will have a gun as well.  To back this ideology, many proponents state in the article that criminal attackers will most likely be deterred if they know citizens can defend themselves and are harder to assault.  Certainly makes sense; I would much rather assault a defenseless citizen than take on an armed individual.

Laws, regardless of their nature, will always be broken by criminals and there will always be criminals due to the individuality and disposition of the human species, thus resulting in the concealed carry of firearms by anyone criminal willing.  Simply banning them does nothing, which can clearly be seen around the United States today.  The murder rate is much higher than it was 100, or only 50 years ago because the general public has become more liberal and controlling of firearms.  Back then, the public supported the use of firearms and everyone was aware of this.  Also, the public itself has increased the crime rate.  It seems as if morals were viewed strongly in previous generations and taught early in life, allowing them to handle the responsibility of  gun ownership.

Guns simply do more good for the public than harm.         



Conceal Carry

Conceal and carry of handguns is legal in forty-nine of fifty states in America. Illinois and the District of Columbia are the only areas in the United States that prohibit conceal carry. In the article opponents feel that legalizing conceal carry will increase gun violence. I do not believe that this is true because if people really want to carry a gun or participate in some sort of gun violence they will. Usually it is not a law abiding citizen that commits these acts of gun violence anyway.  It is also stated in the article that suicides are an impulsive act and that conceal carry would increase the number of suicides. I disagree with this statement. Suicide is usually a result of some form of depression or stress. Many times suicide is planned or at least thought about before it is actually done. Most people do not just decide to kill themselves, there is usually a reason, whether it seems logical or not, for the suicide.

I believe that conceal carry should be legal. I think that people should have the right to carry handguns in order to protect themselves from danger. Maybe if someone would have had a gun in the movie theater in Colorado, the gunman could have been stopped before so many people were injured or killed.  However, I feel that there should be strict laws and regulations on conceal carry. First of all, conceal carry should only apply to non-automatic handguns.  Second, people who apply for conceal carry should be at least 18 years of age and should have to go through background checks and if they have a criminal record they should not be allowed to receive the right to conceal carry. If they do pass then they should have to go through an intensive safety and training course. If a person passes the course the person should be given a license that can be revoked if police or the government feels that it is necessary.  Any crime should result in the revocation of a license.  A license should also be revoked if the person is suspected of terrorist activity.  A conceal carry license should only apply to the state in which the license was issued. If a person wants to have conceal carry in more states than just their own they should have to go through each state’s training process.  I believe that police officers,  correctional officers, and other state and federal agents should be allowed conceal carry in all states because they are already bound by the law to uphold the laws of the United States. Also I feel that guns should not be allowed in certain places, such as school. Where guns are permitted should be up to states and cities to decide.


Con conceal carry

In the United States, a number of laws have been enacted so that “specialized citizens” have the right to carry a handgun as long as it is concealed. These citizens are of the law enforcement background, but some feel your average Jo should be able to have this right as well. The big question is; is that what we want for our society? Most, including myself, at first think to themselves that we should have guns. More power to the people and so forth, but when it comes down to it, would you allow some of the people you know to carry a gun? Looking around my classroom, I can count a number of people I would not allow to have a gun.

When I think of the question, “Should Adults have the right to carry a concealed handgun?” I automatically ask; at what age do you consider someone an adult? Legally you are an adult at 18 years of age, but I know of some 18 year olds that are greatly lacking the maturity of adults and some that are even older that still lack the maturity. I don’t believe these people should have guns, maybe that’s just my opinion, but I would be afraid to walk outside if the kid down the street that kicks neighborhood cats got a hold of gun and it was allowed. Congratulations, you may have let a sociopath carry a gun to the super market. Anyone can study and pass a test to own a gun, that doesn’t always mean they should.

The article mentions that carrying a concealed handgun is an effective, non-lethal form of self defense. So are Karate or kickboxing and they tend to do less damage and tend to not scare the life out of people near as much. In the end, I think my main opinion is that I DON’T want to carry a handgun and there are some people I would not want legally caring a handgun. Call me crazy, but I don’t feel some people are responsible enough to carry a gun and they should leave the gun wielding to law enforcement. 


Concealed Carrying

The right to carry a concealed weapon is considered dangerous but now people are challenging this ideology.  In fact some opponents say that a person with a concealed weapon is safer than those who refuse.  A 2000 study by John Lott reveals that if states that did not permit concealed carrying did permit it, it would have reduced homicides by 8.5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, rapes by 5%, and robberies by 3%.  This statistic contradicts the common idea that guns are bad and serve no real purpose but to promote violence.

Opponents of concealed carrying may say that allowing the right to carry would practically be handing criminals a tool for their misguided debauchery.  A 2000 report by engineering statistician William Sturdevant stated, “the general public is 5.7 times more likely to be arrested for violent offenses, and 13.5 times more likely to be arrested for non-violent offenses, than concealed carry weapon permit holders.”  In other words most legally concealed weapon carriers are law abiding citizens that would only use their concealed weapons in dire circumstances.

The right to carry may be controversial but if one was to be open minded to the benefits of concealed carrying they would surely realize that it could have a beneficial affect on general violence.  Weapons were created to protect, defend and provide for one’s self and/or their family.  As long as people care for their loved ones they will by any means protect them.  Concealed carriers do not even have to use their gun just to flash it in front of an assailants eyes is enough of a deterrent.  Weapons protect not kill if someone had their mind set on assaulting the general public they will find a means dispute restricted carrying.


Protection of guns

Concealed carry is a state regulated law that currently most states are accepting. Gun laws do not protect many people because criminals do not follow the laws against carrying a gun so why should people not be allowed to protect themselves with their own guns. I understand some people believe everyone running around with guns could only escalate the amount of violence from people who get into arguments, however there are tests that prevent people who have mental issues. If someone tries to pull out a gun and shoot innocent people that person is much less likely to attempt it knowing that ever other person has the ability to fight back. As stated in the article “Protecting oneself and family is a personal duty and the government should not impede the ability of responsible adults to defend themselves.
Also simply having a concealed firearm can make people feel safer going out at night if they live in the city. I believe that the right to have a concealed weapon would only improve peoples quality of life. An argument against the right is that it could increase the amount of people who would kill themselves with a firearm. This is a ludicrous belief because if someone is over 18 or they have parents who hunt they could easily get a gun to kill themselves anyway.
Quite simply I believe that it should not be an issue to have concealed carry, throughout history people have always carried weapons to defend themselves and now with technology, more precisely guns, criminals or more deadly than ever.

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Guns and Roses

In America, a concealed handgun is a good legal defense, yet only 49 states have the “shall issue” laws, meaning that they will give gun permits to citizens who meet with certain requirements such as minimum age or lack of felonies. You can only have a handgun in Illinois or Washington DC if you are a current or retired police officer. While I understand why normal citizens can not have a concealed handgun in Washington DC, I do not see any reason why concealed handguns are restricted in Illinois. I think that they are a good defence if you live in an area where attacks are likely. Even if you do not even use your handgun, you will feel safer if you keep it with you. Criminals do not bother to get special permits just to get their hands on a firearm, it would really even the feild if citizens had one for themselves. The right to own a concealed gun is even mentioned in the Second Admendment of our Constitution. Critics may say that permitting guns will promote more violence instead of stopping it. However, if we created new laws the screen out people that have drug/alchol problems or felonies, then we can give guns to responsible people. Violence levels could actually drop.


The right to carry

The article explains the pros and cons of having the right to carry. I do not feel that citizens should have the right to carry a weapon at all times. Guns are dangerous if they are placed in the wrong hands, and many adults are not responsible enough to carry a weapon. The article states that places that allow the right to carry have requirements such as a minimum age, no felonies, and no recent visits to a mental institution; however, I feel that the requirements do not prevent guns to get in the wrong hands. Just because someone does not have a felony does not automatically make them a trustworthy person.  The more people who have a gun, the more likely accidents are to happen. Many small confrontations can turn lethal if a gun is within reach. The right to carry, of course, does not enforce all people carry guns, so that sets the people who choose not to carry at a disadvantage.

Guns can also be misused, even if a person seems responsible. Even responsible people can snap when they are tired, stressed, or are drinking. According to the article, many people, even ones who are responsible, might not be trained to handle a gun properly. The streets should not be filled with people who do not know how to adequately use a gun.

Proponents argue that guns will increase self-defense and help protect people; however, what is exactly classified as self-defense. Everyone can define it differently. Someone who is carrying a gun can be startled when a criminal is doing a smaller crime, such as theft. The thief can be shot, when they only deserve time in jail. Smaller crimes will have a much larger punishment if guns are allowed to be carried. The shooter of the criminal might also have mental issues after the fact. If they shoot for self-defense and the person ends up dying, the shooter might have more mental damage which will create more issues within the person’s life.

The article presented both sides very well, however my opinion stays that Americans should not have the right to carry. Everyone has their own opinion, and there are positives and negatives to each side. I feel as though guns will turn small arguments into death or injuries.