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Brave New World

After reading the article “Everybody is Happy Now” by Margaret Atwood, I felt that she did not explain Brave New World well enough. People who have not read the book would have no idea what the book was actually about or how it applies to society today. I have read the book and I still had a difficult time trying to understand Atwood explanations and connections to our world today. In my opinion, Atwood did not explain her views well and did not used enough material from the book or data from real life to explain them. She completely passes over the character of Bernard, one of the most important characters in Brave New World.  In the story Bernard is described as different from everyone else, many of the people said that it was because alcohol was spilled in his blood surrogate. However, the reader may describe him as a character with old fashion values compared to the rest of the characters. For example, soma is a drug that is given to the in Society. The drug makes everyone feel happy and never allows them to have “negative” emotions. However, Bernard does not like to take soma because he wants to be able to feel whatever he wants not what Society wants him to feel. Because he does not take his soma, he actually feels normal emotions and ends up not liking what is happening in Society. In result he because a bitter and unhappy person. Bernard’s problem become a major part of the story’s plot. By not mentioning Bernard and his problems, in my opinion, Atwood leaves out a lot of material about soma and what is actual can do that could have made her argument more solid.

Several aspects of Huxley’s Brave New World, are happening or beginning to happen today. As Atwood brings to her readers attention Huxley wrote about contraceptive pills before they were even on the market (Atwood). The women in Brave New World always had their belt of contraceptives with them. Today there are many different types of birth controls, such as various pills and shots. Atwood briefly discusses the young children having sex in Brave New World.  I feel that this is another aspect that is coming true. People have been having sex at younger and younger ages for a long time. Sadly, it is not uncommon to hear of teenagers who are pregnant or even junior high kids having sex. When describing Huxley’s book, Atwood writes “Little naked children carry on “erotic play” in the shrubberies, so as to get the hand in early” (Atwood). This seems to be a statement that could describe the children having sex today. They want to be more grown up and mature, and they think that having sex will do this, so they start early in order to be “more mature”. In all honesty, it puts me on edge to see how much of Huxley’s details in Brave New World actually applies to our life today. It amazes me that a man could write something in 1931 that accurately describes what is happening in the world today.

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Video Game Violence

The increasing violence in America has caused many people to question the root of the problem. In recent years many Americans have been blaming the violent video games that children play.

I believe that violent video games can contribute to violent behavior in young children. Small children should not be allowed to play games that are meant for teenagers. The article from states “Young children are more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence, and without a framework for ethical decision making, they may mimic the actions they see in violent video games” (“Do Violent”). As stated in the quote children sometimes try to mimic what they see in video games or on T.V.  The children’s T.V. show Arthur addresses the problem of mimicking in one of their episodes. In the show a set of twin boys in D.W.’s class start to copy fighting moves that they saw on their favorite show. They are play fighting when one of the boys accidentally punches D.W. in the mouth. Because of their mimicry D.W. was injured and had to get stitches.  This is an excellent example of how violence can influence children.
When young children observe their role models doing something, they children think that it is okay to do it too even if it is wrong.

I am not saying that just because a child kills someone in a video game, that they will kill someone in real life. However, they can influence how they react in certain situations. The article states that “Violence in video games may lead to  to real world violence” (“Do Violent”). This means that The violence in the video games could lead the children to believe that violence can solve a problem. For example if in a video game the characters are arguing  they may begin to fight physically. If children see this they could feel that the next time they get into an argument with a friend that they should solve it with the violent ways that they observed.

The people who feel that video games do not influence young children say “Video game players understand they are playing a video game. Their ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality prevents them from from emulating video game violence in real life” (“Do Violent”). I do not agree with this statement. Young children are still developing a sense of what is right and wrong, and these video games could disrupt this development. Parents should be teaching their children what is right in wrong; however, I understand stand that some parents slack in the area of actually teaching their children. If parents decide to let children play violent video games they should explain to the children that they behavior in the games is not acceptable and should not be mimicked.

In conclusion, I believe that young children should not play violent video games because they can influence violent behaviors. However, I do believe that it is up to the parents to teach their children to distinguish between what is right and wrong.

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A Hunger Artist

In the story “A Hunger Artist” a man who works for the circus locks himself in a cage with straw. While in the cage, he fasts, which means he does not eat. At first people enjoy seeing this man starve, but as time passes people begin to lose interest and become repulsed at the sight of him. The hunger artist wanted to break records by fasting for an obscene number of days, however the impresario did not want to let him. The artist never felt satisfied with himself and felt that the impresario was not allowing him to pursue what he believed was his calling.

In many ways the story “A Hunger Artist” represents Franz Kafka’s life. One example of this, is how the hunger artist never felt that he was allowed to fast as long as he wanted, causing him not to be satisfied in his work. Kafka’s father did not approve of his creative side and did not want him to focus so much of his attention on what he believed was a hobby. Kafka had many jobs that he was never happy with because they did not interest him. He believed his calling in life was to be a writer, and that these jobs and his father were preventing him from becoming one. Just like the hunger artist in the circus, Kafka was not satisfied with the work everyone felt he should do.

Another example is that the hunger artist craved the attention from the people who came to the circus. As years went on he began to lose the attention of the public. He tried to gain them back by fast for longer and longer periods of time. Kafka also craved the attention. His parents worked most of the time, leaving him and his sisters to be raised by servants. Because his father was controlling and often neglected his family, Kafka did not have a good relationship with his father. The often fought, this could have been caused by his father’s demeanor and Kafka’s desire to have his parents notice him.


Hallucinations or Reality?

In the story “The Swimmer” by John Cheever, there are many parts story that are open to the interpretation of the reader. This quality allows the reader to think about the story in a more in depth way and allows them to form their own opinions. One part in the story that is open to interpretation is if Neddy is actually swimming throughout the story of if it is in his imagination.  Another part is the role alcohol plays in Neddy’s life.

I believe that Neddy is hallucinating that he is swimming “home”.  By swimming home he means that he goes from house to house in the county and swims in each of the owner’s pools.  Evidence that he is hallucinating is that throughout the story the seasons are changing and he is growing older.  It would not be possible for the season to change and for him to age so much in that short of a time.  also in the story he talks about his wife and kids being around, when in reality they left him long ago.  There is also no home for him to swim to.  After his family separated and he lost all of his money, he had to sell his house.  However, I feel that this hallucination if related to the fact that he is drunk.  The alcohol could have aided him in forgetting these things.  At the end of the story is when Neddy starts to realize his family is gone and that he sold his house, this shows that he is starting to sober up.

The quote “Was his memory failing or had he so disciplined it in the repression of unpleasant facts that he had damaged his sense of truth?” is very important to the story (Cheever 104).  It is said that if one tells a lie enough, that eventually the liar will believe that it is truth.  This can be used to describe Neddy.  He was not necessarily forgetting that his family and house were gone, but he was more or less refusing to accept it.  He was pushing it to the back of his mind and acting as though everything was still alright.  Again the alcohol could have also aided in this false reality. Neddy used alcohol to help cover up his problems and to ease the pain of reality.

Overall I feel that Neddy is hallucinating about his day of swimming. I also believe that he is repressing the bad memories.  Neddy’s drinking problem also plays a key role in his hallucinations and memory loss.


Conceal Carry

Conceal and carry of handguns is legal in forty-nine of fifty states in America. Illinois and the District of Columbia are the only areas in the United States that prohibit conceal carry. In the article opponents feel that legalizing conceal carry will increase gun violence. I do not believe that this is true because if people really want to carry a gun or participate in some sort of gun violence they will. Usually it is not a law abiding citizen that commits these acts of gun violence anyway.  It is also stated in the article that suicides are an impulsive act and that conceal carry would increase the number of suicides. I disagree with this statement. Suicide is usually a result of some form of depression or stress. Many times suicide is planned or at least thought about before it is actually done. Most people do not just decide to kill themselves, there is usually a reason, whether it seems logical or not, for the suicide.

I believe that conceal carry should be legal. I think that people should have the right to carry handguns in order to protect themselves from danger. Maybe if someone would have had a gun in the movie theater in Colorado, the gunman could have been stopped before so many people were injured or killed.  However, I feel that there should be strict laws and regulations on conceal carry. First of all, conceal carry should only apply to non-automatic handguns.  Second, people who apply for conceal carry should be at least 18 years of age and should have to go through background checks and if they have a criminal record they should not be allowed to receive the right to conceal carry. If they do pass then they should have to go through an intensive safety and training course. If a person passes the course the person should be given a license that can be revoked if police or the government feels that it is necessary.  Any crime should result in the revocation of a license.  A license should also be revoked if the person is suspected of terrorist activity.  A conceal carry license should only apply to the state in which the license was issued. If a person wants to have conceal carry in more states than just their own they should have to go through each state’s training process.  I believe that police officers,  correctional officers, and other state and federal agents should be allowed conceal carry in all states because they are already bound by the law to uphold the laws of the United States. Also I feel that guns should not be allowed in certain places, such as school. Where guns are permitted should be up to states and cities to decide.


Minimum Wage

In the article the idea that minimum wage laws disrupt the free market system is discussed.  It says that minimum wage laws do not allow employers and employees to negotiate a wage that is right for both of them. I believe that does not matter and that there should be minimum wage laws.  Minimum wage laws are necessary because the cost of living is so much higher nowadays.  Without these laws employers could under pay their employees and make it hard for them to pay bills.   Also if minimum wage was not a set amount some people may not be able to afford the necessities of life (clothing, food, shelter, etc.) for themselves or their families.

Also in the article it says that people who receive tips do not get paid minimum wage. This is the case with most waiters and waitresses. They get paid what is called “waiter’s wage” which is set at $4.25 an hour because their tips “make up for” the lack of pay.  As a former waitress I feel this is unfair. Tips are gifts to the waiter or waitress for their service.  Not every costumer leaves a tip even if the server gives them exceptional service.  Waiters and waitresses may work just as hard as some who receives minimum wage and does not have to deal with the public (which can be very frustrating) but they are paid less because employers expect the tips costumers may give them to cover what the worker is not being paid.

Some people believe that wages should be set on a worker’s performance. I do not believe in this because if an employer does not like an employee he can pay that employee less than the others because of personal opinion.  I feel that bonuses and raises should be based on performance. If employees are working hard and doing their jobs correctly and efficiently they should be rewarded.

All in all I feel the minimum wage laws are fair and necessary in today’s society.    Without them I feel there would be a lot more people struggling to live their lives.


Art Education Article

               This article discusses the relationship between art education and the ability of a student to do well in school.  It talks about how students who have taken art classes such as art, pottery, and drama will do better in core classes like math and reading. Also the article discussed the fact that many art classes are being cut because schools do not have the funding to support them.  I agree that art increases students’ ability to do well. Art opens the mind to more interpretations of a person’s environment and makes it easier to visual new ways of doing things. I also believe that if art classes are cut many students will never be able to reach their full potential.  Art allows children to develop their imagination and express their feelings.  Without  art classes children’s will lack creative imaginations and will not be able to appropriately express their feelings.  However, I found this article very tedious. The content was repetitive and extremely uninteresting. In my opinion the article lacked support to back their opinion. As I was reading I noticed they never used any graphs of data that supported their argument. Graphs help readers who are better  understanding things better when they are presented visually.  The writing level in this article was simple and easy to comprehend but it was still very difficult to read because the article repeated the same concepts. There were times I would stop and look ahead to the next paragraph to see if I had already read that page.