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There will always be another Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was released in 1932 and its content is still relevant in today’s society. In her article Margaret Atwood says Brave New World hasn’t gone away. She also states that “shopping malls stretch as far as the eye can see” and “On the wilder fringes of the genetic engineering community there are true believers prattling of the gene-rich and the gene-poor, Huxley’s alphas and epsilons, and busily engaging in schemes for genetic enhancement and to go one better than brave new world, for immortality” (Atwood). By saying this Mrs. Atwood is saying that even 75 years after Huxley’s book is still relevant and what he wrote about is actually going on. I agree that some of what Huxley has written has come true. Along with what Mrs. Atwood has said about the countless shopping malls and genetic engineering Huxley also wrote about flying contraptions and drugs both of which are around today. Helicopters were not around in the 30’s even though Huxley created an identical machine in his story. He also wrote about the use of drugs and medicine to further the human life. The study of medicine is still around today and will be for the next 100 years. Even though the study of medicine was around in the 30’s Huxley took it to a whole other level. He wrote about the use of special medicines and drugs to calm people down or hype them up. So after reading Huxley’s Brave New World one can not say that what he wrote about has not actually come true. It may not have come true to the extent that Huxley wrote about but his writing have still come true. The end of the article reads “It was Huxley’s genius to present us to ourselves in all our ambiguity” (Atwood). Mrs. Atwood is giving Huxley the credit he deserves for writing a masterpiece about what the world might be like in the future that has partially become true.

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